Tuesday, September 6, 2011

So it has been a while since I have posted something.. and Alot has happened in such a short time.. just a little over a month....

The puppy we got is now named Ellie.. and is already almost 25 pounds.. she is growing so fast and it seems like every week i am loosening up her collar to compensate for her rapid growth spurts... she is all around a good puppy.. she already can sit, stay, and retrieve... but she is lab puppy and we have to watch her like a hawk so nothing that is sacred to me ends up in her belly!!! she ate a baby lizard the other day... i thought it would make her sick.. but just gave her the "poo's" for about 2 days and she has not checked up...lol

we got closed and moved in our house.. we got everything painted but one room because i can nor decide what i want to do with it.. i draw in there alot and so therefor.. make quiet a mess every time i do so.. Ragan has a "man cave" in the last bedroom.. or the hunting room would also be a good name for it.. and i happen to like it!!!.. it also a good place for a nap... we have this HUGE old couch in there that sleeps like 5star hotel bed... it is the shizznizzle!!!:)

but one week to the day after moving in.. all the light switches and electrical outlets on one side of the wall in the bed room just quit working.. not sure why.. but that also includes the jets on my long dreamed of jaquzzi tub ( i know that is not spelled right).... and that is the most important resourse to me right now to fix...lol

and then there was my first adventure of trying to cut the grass in a subdivision when i could not tell were my grass stopped and their's might start... o my goodness i figured out when i saw how short i keep my grass and how tall they keep thier grass.. by the amazingly noticeable gapping "uh o" i did in the neighbors yard... and the make it worse.. i tried to fix it with weed eater..... uuuuggggghhhh... not a good idea!!! hahahahaha it was AWFUL!! so noe i resigned myself to only cut the backyard who's boundry lines are clearly marked with a huge wooden privacy fence. and odly enough.. i think Ragan agrees.. hahaha

On August 22, Ragan and I got married at the JP in town.. We had alot of family coming and going and we didnt think it was very respectful for us to be living together and not be married.. so I am officially Mrs. Walters... but we are having our ceremony on October 1 just as planned so that friends and family members can have a wedding.. lol.. and i get to wear my beloved dress.. we have not really advertised it because we want those who are coming to the wedding to still excited and happy for our wedding day.. and this is still my wedding day.. my wedding day that i finally got everything i wanted from the flowers the decorations... the location.. to the groom:) And i am still looking forward to October 1 with the same butterflies and anxious anticipation as i was before..:)

Ragan is amazing.. no other words to say...

i start me new jobthis week.. which is a blessing because the funds are beginning to get a little tight for comfort... and i do not like that feeling..but one month off.. can sure spoil someone into not wanting to pull that regular 9 to 5!!lol although i do stay pretty busy already being a stay at home wife.. didnt think i would be this busy.. but this has been just about the fastest month of my life!!!!!

so i will write more when i have more time and when i have not been battling strep throat for last 7 days!!

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